Thursday, May 26, 2011

A Month...

Wow.  A month since I've posted.  Doesn't feel like it's been that long.  But unfortunately, there has been a SERIOUS lack of inspiration over this way.  I sit and sit and sit at my craft desk, pull out boxes of paper, embellishments, stickers, pictures and....nothing.  I can't come up with a single idea.

I only JUST managed to come up with a project for this week's challenge at Amber's Crafts & Stuff.  This week's theme was VINTAGE. 

My project is a combination of vintage and recycling (2 challenges ago - where I pulled a COMPLETE FAIL at my project.  Trust me, it wasn't pretty..)

I used a cool vintage 60s or 70s ish print fabric I've been hanging onto for ages.   And I recycled the covers of 2 old, and very very very boring, hardback books.  I had originally cut off the covers to make book purses, but never got around to it.

I cut out the pieces of the covers to make the top, bottom and sides of the box, assembled and then covered them with the fabric.  I padded the top just a tad with a couple of pieces of scrap felt.  Then I covered the bottom and the underside of the top with black paper. 

Top view


Front view

It should be useful to hold little pieces of jewelry or whatnot on my vanity.

Next up - a vintage 45s case that I'm going to decopage - of which I've taken what might be the worst photo ever.  Judging from the bottom, it was originally covered with a hot pink, glossy, plasticky type paper.  Which has been painted over with MANY MANY coats of ugly lumpy brown paint.  Hopefully I'll be able to rescue it.  I have a stack of 70s and 80s single records waiting patiently for a home. 

Bad photo, but the ones without flash were worse....